“Okay, Lord, it’s Take-Your-Kid-to-Work day. And you’re taking me to work with You” –Tom Gilliam, Serge Missionary

Go and grow with us.
Since 1983, Serge has been helping individuals and churches engage in global mission.
From short-term trips to long-term missions – we want to see the power of God’s grace transform your own life and motivate and sustain you to move into the lives of others – particularly those who do not yet know Jesus.
Our transformation propels us into missions.

Why go with Serge?
We take a gospel-centered approach to life and ministry
At Serge, we believe we need the gospel as much as anyone we are trying to reach because it’s the power that continually transforms us to be more like Christ and sustains us to share His love with others.
Therefore, throughout your ministry, we want to see you continuously renewed by the gospel. As a Serge missionary, you will be mentored through a program called Sonship to help you stay rooted in God’s grace and equip you to apply the gospel to a variety of circumstances time and time again.
Learn more about our personal mentoring >
We provide proactive Missionary Care
No one says missionary life is easy. We want your ministry to be sustainable and see you flourish on the field, even in difficult and complex circumstances.
Our dedicated Member Care Team comes alongside each one of our missionaries for their entire length of service — providing quality medical care, emergency assistance, spiritual and emotional support, Third Culture Kid guidance, advanced leadership training, and more.
Learn more about our how we care for our missionaries
We practice incarnational ministry
God’s grace frees us. It redeems us. It restores us. As we drink deeply from the well that is Christ, we find the supernatural power, courage, and strength to be more like Him and lay down our lives for others in radical love, humility, and service.
Because we believe that God is already at work in every corner of the world and that His power and love will sustain us, we are free to go to difficult places and boldly risk everything to proclaim His Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
Read more about our core values >
We believe God works in our weakness
At Serge, we believe that our unavoidable weaknesses as fallen people do not hinder God’s power to work through us. In fact, we believe this messy place is where His mission begins.
Therefore, while striving for excellence, we do not hesitate to confess our shortcomings. We want to live overt lifestyles of repentance and faith, depending entirely on Christ to serve and love others, so that they too will be molded and shaped by grace in all they do.
Take The Next Step
Become a Missionary with Serge
Explore the life-changing opportunities for you to grow and serve around the world.

Where We Serve
Over 325 Missionaries in 25 Countries around the World
Types of Work
God has opened doors for Serge missionaries to work in global cities, urban slums, Muslim majority areas, and hard-to-reach locations in the developing world. Whatever your unique gifts are, there’s a place for you.