Serving with Serge

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Just fill out this short general inquiry form and we’ll get it to the right folks who can answer your question.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to apply with Serge?

That depends on how long you want to stay.

Short-Term Teams  (1-2 weeks) have very minimal requirements. You sign up, seek the approval of your spiritual mentors—and our mobilization team—raise the support, and make the trip.

Summer Interns submit an application for review by the Serge mobilization team and overseas field leadership. If you are approved, you’re soon on your way.

Apprentices (18 months – 2 years) and Career Missionaries (3+ years) go through a more extensive process. We will ask you to have a preliminary phone conversation, submit a written application, gather personal and pastoral references, and quite possibly visit your mission field of interest. Finally, we invite you to one of our quarterly Assessment and Orientation (A&O) weeks at our office in suburban Philadelphia. The A&O process gives us a chance to get to know each other well enough to “measure the fit.”

How long does it take to get overseas?

There is no single, simple answer. The longer you’ll serve overseas, the longer it usually takes to get you there. For example, upon receiving your complete application, it may take 3 to 6 months to arrange your participation in an A&O week. Then, it usually takes about 18 months to raise support and be deployed for long-term (2+ years) appointments. However, this process may be much faster for individuals going on shorter-term assignments.

How much money do I need to raise to go overseas?

Overseas missionaries are required to raise 100% of their salaries, ministry expenses, and administrative expenses to serve overseas. This number can vary significantly depending on the country of service, marital status, experience, and job requirements.

What is the process for raising support?

If the Lord is calling you to go, He will provide the needed resources. Many of our missionaries begin with family, friends, and their home churches. But the Lord frequently surprises you with how He provides for your needs. Serge assigns every apprentice (18 -24 months), and long-term missionary (2+ years), a support coach to guide them through the process. You will have regular interactions with your support coach. These conversations are not simply “how-to” sessions, but part of a discipling relationship that will encourage you in your walk as you prepare to serve overseas.

Do you have educational requirements?

Serge does not require you to have attended Bible college or seminary. However, many positions within the mission necessitate certain educational requirements. Educational backgrounds in various fields may also help you in your present ministry, or with future advancement. Our mobilization team will help match you up with an opportunity that conforms to your experience, your gifts, and your education.

Am I assigned a field to serve on, or can I choose?

We love it when individuals come to us with a heart for a particular region. However, we also want to help you discern if your particular gifts may be used in areas that you may have not considered. And since we emphasize team ministry we will strive to place you on a team that fits your gifts and temperament. So, we want to explore several options with you. However, our final decision will be by mutual consent—we would never send you to a field against your will!

What about health coverage?

Serge overseas missionaries are covered by a major medical health plan. Coverage is effective from the date of deployment. We will provide more details for you as needed.

What are the education options for my children?

We consider the education of our missionary children to be very important. The answer varies from field to field, and family to family. Some missionary children attend public schools on the field, while others attend private or boarding school. Some are home-schooled or have Serge “Missionary Kid teachers” teach their children.

How do I begin the process of going on a Short-Term Team trip?

The first step is for you to complete the Short-Term Team form.

It’s important to know that all of our trips close at least two months before departure, and you may be looking to raise support. Costs vary for each trip. You can raise money from friends and family, through your church, and sometimes directly through Serge.

If you’d like information about a particular trip – please contact Brad Wallace at