Summer Internship

Spend 8 weeks in the summer doing hands-on overseas missions work and growing in the gospel.

You’ll experience Christ-centered, grace-based, personal mentoring as you learn how to build intentional relationships and share the gospel cross-culturally.

Apply Now

Early Decision Deadline is November 10, 2024

Regular Decision Deadline is January 12, 2025


Are you looking for an internship longer than a summer? Learn more about our Vocational Internship which can happen year-round and last up to 11 months.


The Serge Internship Experience

Serve Alongside Long-Term Serge Missionaries

Live in deep community with Serge missionaries, participate in weekly team meetings, and learn how to develop relationships with local believers and non-believers.

Grow and
Be Discipled

Study the Gospel-Centered Life with a long term missionary mentor and join a spiritual team retreat to deepen your personal walk with Jesus and be more effective in your ministry.

Develop Skills in

Your Area of Interest

Dip your toes into ministry and discover how God can use your unique passions and giftings—and even your brokenness—as a vessel to pour out His grace to others.

Cross-Cultural Training

and Learning Experiences

Join us for an Intern Training Weekend in Philadelphia to prepare for cross-cultural work alongside your summer intern cohort. While on the field, continue to engage in various cultural learning experiences like home-stays, team retreats, and language learning opportunities.

Missionary Internship Locations

Adventure Business Internship

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Burundi – Kibuye

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Kenya – Nairobi

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UK – London (Southall)

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North Africa

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Southern Spain

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Lima – Peru

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“Going in, I was afraid I would get overseas and not do well at whatever job they had for me. But one of the things I love about Serge is that they care for people really well. I always had support, whether it was in the work, emotionally, or just being there in general. They provided a really solid environment to succeed in every way.”

– Olivia, a Serge summer intern

 Steps to the Field

You’ve explored field options for next summer,
you’ve prayed, and you’re ready to apply. What happens next? 


The first step to becoming a summer intern is to fill out the internship application.  This is how we get to know you! (It typically takes about 1-2 hours to complete.) 

Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation of your submission and will be asked to send a link to two references and to complete a Personal Page. The Personal Page is a short, confidential document that is used to help us consider how we can best support you in your needs, and to help us determine the best care practices for both you and the Serge team you’ll be serving on. 

Applications for Summer 2025 will be available on October 1, 2024.


Once the Application, References, and Personal Page have been submitted / received by Serge, the Serge Internship Coordinator will reach out to schedule an hour-long phone interview. This interview helps us put a personality to your paperwork, and to get to know you and your heart for the field better, which is a crucial step in the discernment process. It’s also a chance for you to get to know us! Any questions or curiosities you have about Serge are welcomed and encouraged. Perhaps the most important part of the interview, though, is our chance to pray with and for you in this process.

The Internship Coordinator passes along any notes from the interview, along with your completed application to field leadership, and will be in touch with you about next steps within 2 weeks.

Support Raising

This is where your ministry starts!  

When you are accepted into the program, the Serge Internship Coordinator will ask you to attend a virtual training on how to do Personal Support Raising (PSR). The Internship Coordinator will also guide you step-by-step through the entire support-raising process – with bi-weekly calls for support check-ins and prayer. We know it can be daunting, but we also believe there’s no better way that the Lord prepares us for the mission field. 

You can expect challenges and growth in this journey, but you can also expect a dedicated mentor along the way. You will never be walking it alone.

Preparation for the Field

You will be invited to 3 separate mandatory “trainings” in our Home Office before and after deploying to your field for the summer. These are to equip and prepare you for your missions experience. 

First, you’ll come out for our Intern Training Weekend (ITW) – a  retreat-style program that happens at the Serge Home Office in Philadelphia every February. 

This weekend experience is for all of our interns to gather together and learn more about our missions organization, best-practice approaches to cross-cultural work, and to reflect on all that the Lord may be calling you to through this opportunity. This weekend is also a time to worship and pray alongside one another and build relationships with your fellow interns before deploying to the field in the summer. Strangers quickly become friends at ITW!

Next, you will arrive at our offices in early June for a time of commissioning and prayer that we call Intern Deployment. You will spend 24 hours together, reflecting, preparing your hearts and minds, and being prayed over before being sent out!

Finally, you will return to our Home Office at the end of your internship to share your feedback, process your summer experiences, and explore next steps with Serge mentors and recruiters. This is the Intern Debrief, a brief 24-hour event which happens each year in early August and closes out your internship experience with us before you head home.

Ready to learn more about becoming a Missions Summer Intern? We’re here to help you! 

Accepting New Applications for Summer 2025 on a Case by Case Basis

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