
What’s Your Story? Living in Light of a Grand Narrative

What’s Your Story? Living in Light of a Grand Narrative


What’s Your Story? Living in Light of a Grand Narrative

with Jeff McMullen

February 7, 2018

1 hour

W e constantly battle competing narratives in our lives. Ultimately, however, we find our bearings as receivers of God’s story and carriers of His story to the world.

Growing in awareness of how our story fits with His story not only impacts us personally but also has deep implications for how we walk with others.

In this FREE webinar, Pastor Jeff McMullen will help us…

  • Learn to uncover the false narratives in our lives and the lives of those we mentor
  • Connect the work of transformation God is doing in us to the call to mission around us

Whether you long to see your own story in the greater redemptive narrative or want to explore how to better come alongside others in seeing theirs–this webinar will be beneficial to you.

About the Speaker

Jeff McMullen

Rev. Jeff McMullen is originally from the Baltimore, MD area. He and his wife, Jodie, have been married for 15 years and have 3 children. The McMullen family served with Serge in Vienna, Austria and Jeff worked with the Serge Renewal team as the Mentoring Team Leader until 2020. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary with an M.Div. and Missio Seminary (formerly Biblical Theological Seminary) with a Masters in Counseling.

About Us


Serge is an international missions organization with over 300 missionaries in over 26 countries. We send and care for missionaries, mentor and train ministry leaders, and develop resources for continuous gospel renewal. Learn more about Serge missions | mentoring | resources.

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