Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined
with Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid
W e are surrounded by news of destruction. The evidence of it is everywhere – lives ruined from suffering and weakness throughout the world, but also in our own families, our churches, and perhaps especially ourselves.
Has God forgotten about His redemptive plan?
The story of the Old Testament books Ezra and Nehemiah play out against a similar backdrop of ruin. There’s a ruined city, a ruined house of worship, ruined homes — ruined life with God. As is often the case for us, the wreckage was largely their own fault. They needed not only a new physical place of worship but more importantly a new heart to worship God.
Much is rebuilt, but only after years of frustration, bureaucratic delays, disappointments, let downs, and so on. Welcome to the real world where so much of our lives and ministry take place.
Join Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid (PhD, Cambridge), Old Testament scholar, as he uses the books of Ezra and Nehemiah to demonstrate God’s faithfulness to unfaithful people to deliver them from the depths of ruin and decay into new life in Him.
In this FREE live webinar, Iain Duguid gives us insight on:
- Our need for redemption and the lamenting of sin
- Battling discouragement and facing opposition
- Entering into faithful worship, even as we await full restoration
If you are discouraged and need renewed hope in the Lord, this webinar will help you discover that Jesus is the one who rebuilds and brings new life where there is ruin and decay.
Related Resource
Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined
This small group study with leader’s notes includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section that can be used for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large group settings.

About the Speaker
Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid
Dr. Iain Duguid is an Old Testament scholar with a passion for the church and the gospel. He served as a missionary in Liberia, West Africa, before studying at Westminster Seminary, PA, and completing a Ph.D. in Old Testament at Cambridge University. He now teaches at Westminster Seminary helping pastors to preach Christ from the Old Testament.
He has also taught at Reformed Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary California, and Grove City College, and has planted churches in Oxford, England,Fallbrook, CA, and Grove City, PA. Dr. Duguid is the author of Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined, an upcoming release in Serge’s Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible Series, as well as commentaries and studies on Jonah, Song of Songs, Daniel, Esther and Ruth, Numbers and Ezekiel.
About the Speaker
Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid

Dr. Iain Duguid is an Old Testament scholar with a passion for the church and the gospel. He served as a missionary in Liberia, West Africa, before studying at Westminster Seminary, PA, and completing a Ph.D. in Old Testament at Cambridge University. He now teaches at Westminster Seminary helping pastors to preach Christ from the Old Testament.
He has also taught at Reformed Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary California, and Grove City College, and has planted churches in Oxford, England,Fallbrook, CA, and Grove City, PA. Dr. Duguid is the author of Ezra and Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined, part of Serge’s Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible Series, as well as commentaries and studies on Jonah, Song of Songs, Daniel, Esther and Ruth, Numbers and Ezekiel.