Passing the Baton — Pursuing the Great Commission in Every Generation
with Dan Macha and Ashley Hosan
There’s a lot of talk in the media about changing generations – Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and now Gen-Z.
But for all our differences – we share a common calling – to put our faith into action and proclaim the gospel to a broken world.
But how do we, in different generations, help each other hear our Lord’s voice in that calling? What can we learn from each other? And how do we learn to rely on the promises of God, at any age, as we answer his call on our lives?
In this FREE webinar, Serge Missionary Recruiters Dan Macha and Ashley Hosan, will share insight into:
- How to approach missions with an appreciation for older and younger perspectives on the Great Commission
- How to use your generation’s strengths, weaknesses, and personal brokenness to best serve Jesus in this time and place
- How to help sustain a long-term calling to missions that continues from one generation to the next without fear or anxiety but instead trusting in God’s promises
If you’re beginning to discern a call to missions or involved in raising up the next generation to serve, then this webinar is for you!
Considering becoming a missionary? Fill out our GO form to speak to a Serge Mobilizer.

About the Speakers
Dan Macha
Dan Macha and his family pioneered Serge’s work in Ireland from 1983 to 1992.
Returning to the US, Dan joined the home office staff, eventually leading the Mobilization Team for several years until 2010. He also served as an Elder at New Life Glenside from 2000-2010.
After a season in the private sector, Dan rejoined Serge in 2018 where he now focuses on recruiting long-term missionaries for Europe and Latin America and strengthening Serge’s partnerships with our sending churches.

Ashley Hosan
Ashley serves on the Serge Mobilization team as the Serge Apprentice Program and Missionary Kid Teacher recruiter.
In 2008, Ashley went to Uganda with Serge on a short-term trip. Then she went again in 2009 and 2010 participating in children’s ministry. Afterward, Ashley graduated from university with a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary/Special Education. Little did she know that in 2015 she would join the Serge team in Uganda for two and a half years as a Missionary Kid Teacher. Today, she enjoys walking alongside individuals as they discern their next steps and calling.