Finding Hope in Troubling Times
with Scotty Smith
In the midst of the sadness and trouble of this world, it makes all the difference to get a glimpse of unseen realities.
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus pulls back the curtain to show us the throne room of God.
What impact does knowing that God reigns over everything have for our lives – here and now?
In this FREE webinar, Scotty Smith speaks pastorally to the challenges of...
- Believing the gospel of Christ’s triumph when circumstances are burdensome
- Coming to God with our fears and anxieties when trouble overwhelms us
- Understanding the practical implications of the sovereignty of God over all things

About the Speaker
Scotty Smith
Scotty Smith, D.Min, planted and pastored Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN, for twenty-six years. He worked on the pastoral staff of West End Community Church as a teacher in residence and also served as adjunct faculty for Covenant Seminary, Westminster (Philadelphia), RTS, Orlando, and Western Seminary in Portland, OR. He is the author of Unveiled Hope, Objects of His Affection, Restoring Broken Things, Everyday Prayers, Every Season Prayers, Ephesians: The Love We Long For, and Revelation: Hope in the Darkness. Scotty and his wife of more than forty-five years, Darlene, live in Franklin, TN.