Medical Missions Renewal

Calling Blindness & God’s Unwavering Vision

Medical MissionsRenewal

Calling Blindness & God’s Unwavering Vision

By September 27, 2024October 10th, 2024No Comments

Sight, Vision, and Calling to Medical Missions

Sometimes, if you ignore a Post-it note from God, He’ll send a billboard.

In 2021, I had high hopes to attend Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC). Years prior, attending GMHC filled me with encouragement and enthusiasm. This time, I was finally in a planning phase, seeking concrete answers to my long-standing yet nebulous call to “go.”

At this 2021 Conference, I attended a session by a psychiatrist from South Asia. He made a strong case for why more workers are needed in this part of the world while also discussing his hospital’s innovative approach to reaching more people and helping to overcome stigma. During his lecture, my typically calm demeanor was hijacked by excitement. Concerned with acting on emotions, I moved on quickly past the Holy Spirit’s prompt, as though nothing happened.

Later on, the keynote speaker’s words also resonated with me. He shared his testimony of how God used him for missions even as a personal illness robbed him of his ability to continue work as a general surgeon. I was reminded that God is sovereign. I too, struggled with reconciling a clear call from God to serve in the field amidst new personal illnesses and the very tangible physical limitations associated with them.

Ironically, my illness left me unable to see more than 6 feet in front of me, coinciding with a life chapter of being unable to discern God’s vision for my life.

With God, There Are No Coincidences

But despite these impactful sessions, I left GMHC without any additional clarity.

Months passed and I connected with Serge as a result of being on a list of conference attendees (to this day, I still cannot say why I didn’t just delete the emails like I did most other similar ones).

Much to my surprise, Serge connected me to the psychiatrist whose talk had previously enthralled me. Due to security concerns, the psychiatrist was unable to disclose his full name, exact location, or sending agency, but here we were able to meet on Zoom.

Although I didn’t recall this psychiatrist mentioning a need for obstetrics during his session at GMHC, I later learned that my passion for maternal-child health aligned perfectly with one of his hospital’s needs. It seemed God’s call for me would involve doing something I love. By this time, as God revealed further where He was calling me, He also aligned this with restoring my physical vision.

With God, there are no coincidences. When I overlooked the Holy Spirit working within me at one point in time, God overcame my stubbornness and found another way to guide me toward this team in South Asia.

As you prepare for this year’s conference, may God not only open your eyes, but also your heart, mind, and ears, and that you would recognize His calling, whether it comes in the strong winds, an earthquake, a fire, or a gentle whisper.


Are you passionate about displaying the gospel of Jesus through medicine? Meet us at GMHC in Louisville, KY, from November 7-9. Learn more and register.

Global Missions Health Conference

GMHC is the world’s largest gathering of healthcare professionals, students, and organizations dedicated to healthcare missions. This annual, three-day conference features breakout sessions, plenary speakers, exhibitors, and special events. It’s the premier event to learn, connect, and build relationships that help advance the Kingdom through medical missions.

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This individual is a missionary, pastor, or ministry leader who has chosen to keep their identity anonymous in order to protect their own safety and the safety of those they serve. At Serge, we have many workers serving in closed-access countries around the world and we prioritize this security, which is essential for the success of their mission.