
Bundibugyo is where the first Serge long-term mission team began serving, supported by a team in Fort Portal.

For more than three decades Serge missionaries have served in Bundibugyo, a rural district located in western Uganda along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the early 1980s, a Ugandan refugee invited the Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia to help rebuild the church after the devastation of the rule of Idi Amin. By the late 1980s, missionaries were living in Bundibugyo and working with the Ugandan Presbyterian Church to plant the churches of the Bundimulinga Presbytery, translate the Bible into the local language of Lubwisi, and to disciple young pastors.

Serge’s model in Bundibugyo embraced holistic expression of the Gospel from the beginning, addressing the overwhelming material needs of the district in order that the movement of churches begun in the 1980s could flourish. As the Bundibugyo work matured to rest largely in Ugandan hands, the team has continued to grow the Fort Portal team’s business for transformation and artistic endeavors.

Today, the Serge team seeks to live as vessels of the gospel restoring communities to bring worshippers to Jesus. We value prayer and partnership, investing in emerging Ugandan leadership. We work together to show the compassion of Jesus to the poorest.

Types of Work

  • Community Development
  • Discipleship and Training
  • Education
  • Medical Missions
  • Missionary Kid Teachers

    What We Do in Uganda – Fort Portal and Bundibugyo


    The Serge team in Bundibugyo works alongside national healthcare workers to express God’s love in the model of Jesus through preaching and healing in the following ways:

    Public Health Outreach:

    • The team runs BundiNutrition Program, which serves malnourished children and their families. Hungry children are given a locally grown and processed food supplement to improve their nutritional intake and parents are empowered through nutritional education – taught by trusted and trained Ugandan staff in order for this important content to be taught in the local language in a relatable and well-received manner.

    Christ School Bundibugyo

    The Serge team helps to develop Christ School Bundibugyo, a boarding school for orphaned and under-resourced children, founded by Serge missionaries in 1999.

    Students receive a quality gospel-centered education and are discipled by their teachers and missionaries through weekly chapel and small group meetings. The Serge team works to develop the school spiritually, academically, and towards self-sustainability.

    “By the grace of God, this community has been developed significantly over the last two decades through the work and service of Christ School Bundibugyo graduates. Look in the hospital and clinics and you will find doctors and nurses who graduated from CSB. Look in the courts and you will find lawyers and clerks who graduated from CSB. Keep looking further and you will find pastors and accountants, mothers and city planners, business owners and engineers, farmers and journalists who graduated from CSB. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧.”

    Patrick McClure, Association of Christian Schools International Consultant, and Serge Missionary

    Community Development

    Water is life in Bundibugyo. Many people in Bundibugyo collect water from public tap stands, protected and unprotected springs, and local streams. Many utilized sources are unsafe and as a result, Bundibugyo has a high infant mortality rate and significant waterborne illnesses.

    The BundiWater team works to share Christ through improving access to safe water through:

    • New infrastructure for gravity-fed clean water systems, and rehabilitation of older systems.
    • In 2020 our engineer Josh Dickenson rebuilt the Nyahururu water system after it was destroyed in a landslide, providing clean water to over twenty thousand residents. In 2024, the BundiWater team completed a brand new gravity flow system in Mabele, bringing clean water for the first time to a steep mountain ridge.
    • Making water projects sustainable by increasing the knowledge base of local technicians through training and workshops.
    • Improving end-user water handling and storage through community outreach.
    • Providing emergency assistance to repair essential systems when they are damaged due to natural disasters (flooding and landslides).

    Women of the Harvest and Green Leaf Crafts – In Fort Portal, Jenna and Pat founded a sewing workshop where vulnerable women study the Bible and access machines and materials to learn and create textile art. These products are marketed locally and internationally to assist their families in survival.

    Pastoral Discipleship and Training

    The Bundibugyo team is supports the development of the Lubwisi Bible, providing office space and financial partnership to indigenous translators. They recently celebrated the completion of the New Testament.

    Team members in both Bundibugyo and Fort Portal preach, lead weekly discipleship groups, and organize pastoral training workshops.

    Meet The Team

    Get Involved

    Missions Opportunities Uganda – Fort Portal and Bundibugyo

    We need people who are interested in living in a close-knit team situation in a remote, but very busy place that is full of daily challenges and demands regular repentance and belief.

    Many of the ministries of our team are established, but still require great resourcefulness and initiative to maintain. However, the power of the gospel is truly transforming Uganda.

    Here are the ways you can join our team:

    Give to a Team Project

    • SEAM Projects

      Serge East Africa (SEAM) is actively seeking $25,000.00 USD in financial support to enhance its media projects, which play a vital role in sharing stories of faith and life from...

    • Christ School Bundibugyo – One Time Needs

      At Christ School – Bundibugyo, we strive to be good stewards of the resources you entrust to us. In our monthly scholarship programs, our partners provide on-going support with school...

    • Bundi Nutrition Fund

      This fund was created to address some of the nutritional needs of Bundibugyo, Uganda. The BundiNutrition project has a long history in Serge’s work in Bundibugyo; including the distribution of...

    • BundiWater

      BundiWater Water is Life Bundibugyo, Uganda is a rural district located in western Uganda along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many household members in Bundibugyo walk significant...

    • Christ School Bundibugyo :: 365 Club

      Christ School Bundibugyo :: Leave a Legacy Fund Christ School Bundibugyo is a Christian secondary boarding school in western Uganda. More than half of Uganda’s population is under 18 years of...

    • Christ School Bundibugyo :: OVC Program

      Christ School Bundibugyo :: Sponsorship Many children in Uganda’s Bundibugyo District have lost one or more parents to war, disease—such as HIV/AIDS and malaria—and other causes. These children have little hope of...

    • Women of the Proverbs

      Women of the Proverbs An emerging, arts-based, sustainable development project to love and serve the women in Western Uganda. Purpose To disciple women in a Bible-based business curriculum while teaching...

    Current Staffing Needs


    Serge Apprenticeship Staff – Uganda

    Participate in the life and Kingdom work of the Bundibugyo team while assisting the apprenticeshi...

    Interested in Serving in Uganda – Fort Portal and Bundibugyo?

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