
Few regions are less understood, or perhaps, more misunderstood than the Middle East.

Home to a diverse array of cultures and people, what connects the disparate communities of the Middle East is a deep commitment to family, generous hospitality, and a society built on deep relationships.
Although Judaism and Christianity began in the Middle East, today Islam is the dominant religion. The region is home to some of the least-reached countries on earth. Many people in the Middle East have never met a Christian. In some places the evangelical church numbers in the mere hundreds. In others, they’re forced to meet secretly.
Our work in the Middle East focuses on a wide array of sectors. From social enterprise and entrepreneurship to counseling and non-profit development work, Serge teams in the Middle East aim to be a blessing to their communities and be a faithful witness to our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to restore broken people, equip local churches and believers, and reach those who have not known the love of Christ.
To find out more about Serge’s work in the Middle East, contact us at serge.org/go.

Current Staffing Needs

Global Studies Internship (Liberty University Students Only) – Middle East

The Serge team in the Middle East is looking for a Liberty University GLST student to head that w...

Global / Cross-Cultural Studies (Vocational Internship)

A 4-month opportunity for students and college graduates who have a desire to learn about the Mid...

Serge Apprenticeship

Learn more about our 18-24 month intensive missions training program --- hands-on missions experi...

Interested in Serving in Middle East?

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