The area is popular with Dominican tourists and filled with small rural communities with tremendous material and spiritual needs.
The Dominican Republic is culturally Catholic, and if asked, most people will say they believe in God. But they often do not see the need for a personal relationship with Jesus and feel that because they are ‘basically good’ they don’t have anything to worry about. The outlying communities are materially poor and have very few resources. By sharing the hope of Jesus and acknowledging the needs, we hope to be catalysts for positive change.
Our team’s vision is to see churches and communities transformed through discipleship in the gospel, and men motivated to take their place as spiritual heads of their families. This includes coming alongside local leaders to discern needs, both material and spiritual, and identify appropriate ways to address them.
The Serge team in Jarabacoa invites diverse local leaders to come together in unity to identify strengths and needs, explore feasible solutions, and implement plans for spiritual and material needs.
We are working to help expand the impact of the Men’s and Women’s ministries of La Vid, connecting a variety of experts to seek solutions to problems, and discipling neighbors and young people.
By seeking persons of peace we have developed relationships built on trust and mutuality, instead of coming in to “take over.”
We are discipling and mentoring in coordination with the local church. This includes supporting church initiatives, coming alongside leadership, leading neighborhood and community Bible studies, helping encourage and explore ways to plant home churches in outlying communities.
We serve alongside our local church, La Vid. We have also identified ‘persons of peace’ in outlying communities where we are developing relationships with the goal to plant home churches and seek ways to positively impact lives with projects that provide employment opportunities and basic needs such as water and medical care.
We are praying that God will provide doctors and nurses for rural communities, a vehicle mechanic, church planters, community development experts.