Serge Apprenticeship Staff – Uganda

Seeking apprenticeship staff to join the team and expand internship and apprenticeship opportunities in Uganda.

Participate in the life and Kingdom work of the Uganda team while assisting the apprenticeship leader in training, discipling, and serving Serge interns and apprentices.



  • Supervising apprentices as they engage in different ministry placements
  • Individual mentoring and discipling of apprentices
  • Teaching the Serge apprenticeship curriculum
  • Overseeing summer and vocational internships
  • Administrative duties as required for job and team life tasks
  • Learn basic Lubwisi and participate in ministries with people from the local community as interests and gifts direct and time allows

Requirements and Critical Qualities:

  • Leadership experience a plus
  • Administrative skills
  • Passion for and experience with discipleship and mentoring
  • Willingness to live in a highly relational context and learn and adapt to a new culture
  • Flexibility!
  • Familiarity with the grace-based concepts articulated by reformed theology and practiced by Serge


Support Raising:

The person in this role raises their full financial support for salary, ministry expenses, and benefits.
When you are appointed to go with Serge, you are assigned a support coach who will guide you step-by-step through the entire support-raising process.

About Serge

Serge is an international missions agency that believes we need the gospel as much as anyone we are trying to reach. We want to see the power of God’s grace transform your own life and motivate and sustain you to move into the lives of others.

We want your ministry to be sustainable – our dedicated Member Care Team comes alongside you personally and proactively – providing tangible support for your entire length of service.

Are you interested in serving as a Serge Apprenticeship Staff ?

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If you know someone who is interested, please send them our way!

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or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions. Contact Us –>