Missions August 9, 2022 Love Missionary Kids. Ask Good Questions. If missionary kids visit your church or community, one of the best things ways to… Deborah Harrell
Missions May 14, 2021 Pursuing Calling in the Age of Covid How can you possibly explore a call to missions in the middle of a pandemic?… Dan Macha
Missions October 16, 2020 6 MORE Reasons to Become a Serge Apprentice Serge Apprentice Kathleen McAlister shares her top reasons to join Serge as an Apprentice. --------… Kathleen McAlister
Missions September 30, 2020 Ready, Willing and Able? Editor’s Note: As a Recruitment Coordinator in the Sending Center, Dan is always looking for… Dan Macha
Missions April 28, 2020 On Mercy The Coronavirus pandemic is bringing the world to its knees. There is so much obvious… Stephen and Karis Rigby
Missions June 18, 2018 What I learned about Anxiety from My Missions Trip I recently finished a nine-month term serving as a missionary kid teacher in Burundi, a… Rachel Buikema
Missions July 21, 2017 The Legacy of Babel: How Learning a Language is Learning to Love Imagining the Tower of Babel is perhaps easier for citizens of the United States than… R.J. March
Missions February 13, 2017 Who You Love When You Leave to Go into Mission Work As an American formed with Western cultural values, I am familiar with the tendency to… Matt Allison
Missions January 25, 2017 Ending Missionary Support Without Feeling Like You Shot Old Yeller There are good and bad ways to end a partnership with your missionary. That isn’t… Serge
Missions December 8, 2016 A Leg in the U.S., an Arm Overseas: Caring for Our Missionary Body I can’t remember the first time I heard the term “missionary care,” but I remember… Eileen O'Gorman