
Summer Reading Round-Up: 10 Books for Spiritual Growth and Renewal


Summer Reading Round-Up: 10 Books for Spiritual Growth and Renewal

By June 3, 2024March 20th, 2025No Comments

For some, it’s a season of travel, short-term missions, internships, and time away. For some, summer provides the golden opportunity to shake up the schedule or to seek refuge from the relentlessly fast pace.

As an international missions agency, we understand the challenges of staying grounded in the gospel. Our dedicated Renewal team both seeks out and develops gospel-centered resources to help you apply the gospel to every area of your life in every season.

Here, you’ll find a mix of short devotionals and insightful resources for deeper reflection. No matter what your summer looks like, may these offer you space for slowing down and opportunities to draw closer to the truths of the gospel this season.

What our team is reading:

You Are Sent: Finding Your Place In God's Global Mission

By Nathan Sloan

If you, or someone you know, is pursuing an internship or a short-term missions trip this summer, You Are Sent is a rich and accessible aid in settling yourself in the broader context of God’s global mission.

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Nothing Is Impossible with God

By Rose Marie Miller

In Nothing Is Impossible with GodRose Marie Miller, a living example of God’s power in weakness, weaves together biblical insights and personal experience to share a new, gospel-driven way of living where the way up is down, the weak become strong, and the dead receive life. God, for whom nothing is impossible, uses weak people to change the world.

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Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed in Our Weakness

By Barbara Duguid

Empathetic, honest, and harmonious with the gospel, Barbara Duguid explores questions like Why do Christians — even mature Christians — still sin so often? Why doesn’t God set us free? Using the writings of pastor and abolitionist, John Newton, as a guide, Duguid seeks to unravel these questions and reveal God’s purpose for our failure and guilt.

Her husband, Ian, also wrote our Gospel Centered Life Bible Study on Jonah.

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Hannah Coulter: A Novel

By Wendell Berry

Our first recommended work of fiction! If you’ve been hesitant to dive into the work of poet and novelist, Wendell Berry, then here’s your invitation. Full of truth and beauty, Hannah Coulter is told from the perspective of an elderly woman twice-widowed in a small Kentucky town. The novel explores themes of forgiveness, experiencing loss, and reflecting the gospel, grace, and love.

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Shame: Being Known and Loved

By Esther Liu, MA

Esther Liu is a faculty member at CCEF and was featured recently on our Serge podcast where she discussed the gospel’s answer to shame and the process of writing this book. Shame: Being Known and Loved is a month-long devotional with truth to comfort and combat the lies that so often entangle us.

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Moving On: Beyond Forgive and Forget

By Ruth Ann Batstone

In Moving OnRuth Batstone, a child abuse survivor and experienced counselor, looks honestly at the realities of deep hurt and offers concrete direction for working through the process of forgiveness. Batstone points readers to Jesus, the man of sorrows and well acquainted with grief, as the one who understands their struggle and is with them each step of the way.  Batstone doesn’t promise that we can forget the evil that has been done, but she does promise that we can grow in faith, hope, and love as we turn to Jesus daily.

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Come Back, Barbara

By Barbara Miller Juliani, C. John Miller

Serge founder, Jack Miller, and his daughter, Barbara Miller Juliani, chronicle their journey from grief and conflict to joyful reconciliation. Come Back, Barbara is an irresistible portrayal of God’s grace to the Millers and us all. With newly added study questions, this book offers invaluable lessons about facing our own struggles with humility, courage, and hope.

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Gospel Transformation Series

With user-friendly small group activities and questions rooted in Scripture, this study includes a leader’s guide and is suitable for small groups and individual contexts.

Gospel Identity: Discovering Who You Really Are by Serge

Come and explore how a firmly rooted knowledge of gospel identity leads to renewal and a radical, missional mindset for your community.

Gospel Growth: Becoming a Faith-Filled Person by Serge

This study explores topics like living by faith, spiritual disciplines, faith and repentance, and the power of the Spirit.

Gospel Love: Grace, Relationships, and Everything That Gets In The Way by Serge

Gospel Love dives deep into the barriers that stop us from loving others, honesty vs. judging, and how to live with forgiveness and compassion.

Upcoming Releases – August 2024

Coming soon to the Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series


Learn more about our Renewal work or explore all of our books and studies>>

PHOTO CREDIT: Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov 
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Serge is an international missions organization with more than 325 missionaries in 25 countries. We send and care for missionaries, mentor and train ministry leaders, and develop resources for continuous gospel renewal.