This country has anything you could desire: from the driest desert on earth to penguins playing in the south, a year-round harvest from both the soil and the sea, Olympic level snow skiing to relaxing at the beach. Chile has truly been blessed.
Just a short time ago she was among the weakest, but now is the second wealthiest nation in Latin America. Paradoxically, these blessings have led this nation to go from spiritual riches to rags as Chile is now the second most irreligious nation in Latin America.
The Serge team in Chile works with church leaders and youth to deepen biblical understanding which renews the church and gives the courage to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations.
The team in Chile focuses on discipleship and equipping the church to go out into this world, develop genuine relationships, and share Jesus with others.
In this work, they committed to using the gifts and talents of every individual to live out the gospel as we bring beauty and help to others in this world, trusting Jesus to open the doors for gospel conversations and renewal.
The team also engages unreached communities by inviting believers to venues outside of church events.
Whether working, playing, practicing their craft, or simply hanging out, we invite the churched to find excuses to integrate into the lives of the unchurched/de-churched. This “one-on-one” mentoring is indispensable to advancing the Kingdom.
No matter your walk of life, if you have a passion to see the Gospel spread in Latin America, Chile may have a place for you! We are seeking pastors, counselors, disciplers, artisans, and artists who can help develop a movement of grace-oriented, Jesus-dependent churches and ministries to reach Chile and the world.