Life-Changing Mission helps short-term mission teams get the most out of their trip and live on mission once they get back home.
Mission trips give participants a unique opportunity to see and experience God differently than they do at home. While most people who take short-term mission trips describe them as life-changing, the truth is that after they return home, not a lot changes in how they live day-to-day, and the memories start to fade. Life-Changing Mission offers ten impactful devotions from Acts for short-term mission teams that will help them prepare spiritually for their trip, stay connected to Jesus while they serve, and continue to expand God’s kingdom when they return home.
The devotions will help readers connect what they are doing each day to God’s big kingdom and see how God is using them, just as he did the early Christians, to bring hope and healing to the world. Each devotion emphasizes the power of God to use weak and needy people to bring the gospel to a broken world.