Renewal May 28, 2018 Trust When the Kingdom of God Doesn’t Feel Near In Luke chapter 7, Luke tells the story of John the Baptist sending his disciples… Dr. Eric McLaughlin
Renewal May 18, 2018 Grace and Love in the Face of Imperfection “Grace is the face love wears when it meets imperfection” - Joseph R. Cooke I’d… Kristen Lalley
Renewal March 21, 2018 Learning What It Means to Abide Abide. Wow, what a good word. It’s come to my mind a few times, but… Serge
Renewal March 16, 2018 “Send Someone Else, Lord”: When You Feel Too Weak for Ministry When I think about the giants of the Bible, I never consider that they might… Katherine Thomas
Renewal March 10, 2018 A Field Ripe for Harvest: Serge’s Future in Latin America Mark Berry has been busy. Phone calls and emails, meetings with church leaders, connecting with… Andrew Shaughnessy
Renewal November 12, 2017 Ministry with God vs. Ministry for God My family moved into a new home this summer, on a woodsy lot in the… Laura Morgan
Renewal September 6, 2017 Is the Local Church Worth the Effort? My first role serving on a church staff began 28 years ago when I was… Chris Hatch
Renewal August 9, 2017 Why “Fixing” Can Seem Better than Listening We made dinner plans a day before with bright and cheery expectations. But by the… Eileen O'Gorman
Renewal July 27, 2017 The Seed Plot: A Guide for Seminary Seminary is a strange old word. Like covenant and propitiation and other theological words – they are strange… R.J. March
Renewal July 25, 2017 Belonging and Believing: University Ministry in Prague What did your college years look like? Maybe you were the social type—college was an… Serge