Gospel-Centered LivingMissions November 19, 2015 Returning to the “Developed” World: A Reflection on Hope and Sparrows After six years of serving in East Africa, a series of twists and turns suddenly… Bethany Ferguson
Missions May 13, 2015 The Gospel of Grace Propels Us Outward For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an… Serge
Stories of TransformationMissions April 1, 2015 Within the Darkness, All is Being Changed “The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek Him shall praise the Lord!… Bethany Ferguson
Missions February 14, 2015 What am I Doing Here? How God Uses Our Inadequacy “What am I doing here?” Working in cross-cultural missions, that question flashes across my mind… Josiah Bancroft