MinistryStories of TransformationFrom the Field September 8, 2022 Small Interactions Showcase God’s Great Love All around the world, Serge missionaries are ministering in countries that are closed to Christian… Anonymous
Ministry July 15, 2021 How my 15-day Quarantine was a Blessing in Disguise This summer, continued COVID spikes and rolling lockdowns happening in different parts of the world… Lindsey Kozlowski
Ministry June 22, 2021 Pandemic Perspectives on Church Planting As vaccination numbers rise, doors in London are starting to open. The joy of being… Anonymous
Ministry October 20, 2017 Tearing Down the Walls Between Us I’m building a fence at our new house in Prague. Or rather, my neighbor and… Phil Davis
Ministry April 20, 2017 Can We Overcome “Other Ministry Envy”? The first time I became friends with Christians was during my service as a humanitarian… Bob Osborne
MinistryFrom the Field March 21, 2017 Jesus’ Peculiar Friendships and The Power of Relationships I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – as a missionary living in… Katherine Thomas
MinistryStories of Transformation December 22, 2016 A Thrill of Hope, A Dazzling Light: Christmas Cheer in Dark Times This is the rock-rim edge of the known world. This is the ragged planet where… Bethany Ferguson
PrayerMinistry August 30, 2016 How to Build an Effective Missions Program for Your Church There is no one right way to establish an effective missions program. Each time our… Josiah Bancroft
PrayerMinistry August 26, 2016 Where Is God Calling Your Church to Go? 13 Questions to Get You There God delights in doing amazing things—things we often think are impossible—in order to bring people… Serge
Ministry June 27, 2016 Belonging and Hope: Offered at the Neighborhood Secondhand Store When Bob and Keren arrived in London as Serge missionaries in 1994, they could not… Serge